React 与编辑器、TypeScript、浏览器扩展和编译器等工具集成。本节将帮助你设置环境。
¥React integrates with tools like editors, TypeScript, browser extensions, and compilers. This section will help you get your environment set up.
¥Editor Setup
查看我们的 推荐的编辑器 并了解如何设置它们以与 React 配合使用。
¥See our recommended editors and learn how to set them up to work with React.
使用 TypeScript
¥Using TypeScript
TypeScript 是一种向 JavaScript 代码库添加类型定义的流行方法。了解如何将 TypeScript 集成到你的 React 项目中。
¥TypeScript is a popular way to add type definitions to JavaScript codebases. Learn how to integrate TypeScript into your React projects.
React 开发者工具
¥React Developer Tools
React Developer Tools 是一个浏览器扩展,可以检查 React 组件、编辑属性和状态以及识别性能问题。了解如何安装 此处。
¥React Developer Tools is a browser extension that can inspect React components, edit props and state, and identify performance problems. Learn how to install it here.
React 编译器
¥React Compiler
React Compiler 是一种自动优化 React 应用的工具。了解更多。
¥React Compiler is a tool that automatically optimizes your React app. Learn more.
¥Next steps
前往 快速开始 指南,了解你每天都会遇到的最重要的 React 概念。
¥Head to the Quick Start guide for a tour of the most important React concepts you will encounter every day.