服务器操作 - This feature is available in the latest Canary


¥Server Actions allow Client Components to call async functions executed on the server.



¥How do I build support for Server Actions?

虽然 React 19 中的服务器操作是稳定的,不会在主要版本之间中断,但用于在 React Server Components 打包器或框架中实现服务器操作的底层 API 不遵循 semver,并且可能会在 React 19.x 中的次要版本之间中断。

¥While Server Actions in React 19 are stable and will not break between major versions, the underlying APIs used to implement Server Actions in a React Server Components bundler or framework do not follow semver and may break between minors in React 19.x.

要支持 Server Actions 作为打包器或框架,我们建议固定到特定的 React 版本,或使用 Canary 版本。我们将继续与打包器和框架合作,以稳定未来用于实现服务器操作的 API。

¥To support Server Actions as a bundler or framework, we recommend pinning to a specific React version, or using the Canary release. We will continue working with bundlers and frameworks to stabilize the APIs used to implement Server Actions in the future.

当使用 "use server" 指令定义服务器操作时,你的框架将自动创建对服务器函数的引用,并将该引用传递给客户端组件。当在客户端调用该函数时,React 将向服务器发送请求以执行该函数并返回结果。

¥When a Server Action is defined with the "use server" directive, your framework will automatically create a reference to the server function, and pass that reference to the Client Component. When that function is called on the client, React will send a request to the server to execute the function, and return the result.


¥Server Actions can be created in Server Components and passed as props to Client Components, or they can be imported and used in Client Components.


¥Creating a Server Action from a Server Component

服务器组件可以使用 "use server" 指令定义服务器操作:

¥Server Components can define Server Actions with the "use server" directive:

// Server Component
import Button from './Button';

function EmptyNote () {
async function createNoteAction() {
// Server Action
'use server';

await db.notes.create();

return <Button onClick={createNoteAction}/>;

当 React 渲染 EmptyNote 服务器组件时,它将创建对 createNoteAction 函数的引用,并将该引用传递给 Button 客户端组件。当单击按钮时,React 将使用提供的引用向服务器发送请求以执行 createNoteAction 函数:

¥When React renders the EmptyNote Server Component, it will create a reference to the createNoteAction function, and pass that reference to the Button Client Component. When the button is clicked, React will send a request to the server to execute the createNoteAction function with the reference provided:

"use client";

export default function Button({onClick}) {
// {$$typeof: Symbol.for("react.server.reference"), $$id: 'createNoteAction'}
return <button onClick={() => onClick()}>Create Empty Note</button>

有关更多信息,请参阅 "use server" 的文档。

¥For more, see the docs for "use server".


¥Importing Server Actions from Client Components

客户端组件可以从使用 "use server" 指令的文件中导入服务器操作:

¥Client Components can import Server Actions from files that use the "use server" directive:

"use server";

export async function createNoteAction() {
await db.notes.create();

当打包器构建 EmptyNote 客户端组件时,它将在打包包中创建对 createNoteAction 函数的引用。当单击 button 时,React 将使用提供的引用向服务器发送请求以执行 createNoteAction 函数:

¥When the bundler builds the EmptyNote Client Component, it will create a reference to the createNoteAction function in the bundle. When the button is clicked, React will send a request to the server to execute the createNoteAction function using the reference provided:

"use client";
import {createNoteAction} from './actions';

function EmptyNote() {
// {$$typeof: Symbol.for("react.server.reference"), $$id: 'createNoteAction'}
<button onClick={createNoteAction} />

有关更多信息,请参阅 "use server" 的文档。

¥For more, see the docs for "use server".


¥Composing Server Actions with Actions


¥Server Actions can be composed with Actions on the client:

"use server";

export async function updateName(name) {
if (!name) {
return {error: 'Name is required'};
await db.users.updateName(name);
"use client";

import {updateName} from './actions';

function UpdateName() {
const [name, setName] = useState('');
const [error, setError] = useState(null);

const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition();

const submitAction = async () => {
startTransition(async () => {
const {error} = await updateName(name);
if (!error) {
} else {

return (
<form action={submitAction}>
<input type="text" name="name" disabled={isPending}/>
{state.error && <span>Failed: {state.error}</span>}

这允许你通过将服务器操作封装在客户端上的操作中来访问服务器操作的 isPending 状态。

¥This allows you to access the isPending state of the Server Action by wrapping it in an Action on the client.

有关更多信息,请参阅 调用 <form> 外部的服务器操作 的文档

¥For more, see the docs for Calling a Server Action outside of <form>


¥Form Actions with Server Actions

服务器操作可与 ​​React 19 中的新表单功能配合使用。

¥Server Actions work with the new Form features in React 19.


¥You can pass a Server Action to a Form to automatically submit the form to the server:

"use client";

import {updateName} from './actions';

function UpdateName() {
return (
<form action={updateName}>
<input type="text" name="name" />

当表单提交成功时,React 将自动重置表单。你可以添加 useActionState 来访问待处理状态、最后响应或支持渐进增强。

¥When the Form submission succeeds, React will automatically reset the form. You can add useActionState to access the pending state, last response, or to support progressive enhancement.

有关更多信息,请参阅 表单中的服务器操作 的文档。

¥For more, see the docs for Server Actions in Forms.

使用 useActionState 的服务器操作

¥Server Actions with useActionState

对于只需要访问操作待处理状态和最后返回响应的常见情况,你可以使用 useActionState 编写服务器操作:

¥You can compose Server Actions with useActionState for the common case where you just need access to the action pending state and last returned response:

"use client";

import {updateName} from './actions';

function UpdateName() {
const [state, submitAction, isPending] = useActionState(updateName, {error: null});

return (
<form action={submitAction}>
<input type="text" name="name" disabled={isPending}/>
{state.error && <span>Failed: {state.error}</span>}

当将 useActionState 与服务器操作一起使用时,React 还将自动重放在水化完成之前输入的表单提交。这意味着用户甚至可以在应用完成水合之前与你的应用进行交互。

¥When using useActionState with Server Actions, React will also automatically replay form submissions entered before hydration finishes. This means users can interact with your app even before the app has hydrated.

有关更多信息,请参阅 useActionState 的文档。

¥For more, see the docs for useActionState.

使用 useActionState 进行渐进式增强

¥Progressive enhancement with useActionState

服务器操作还支持使用 useActionState 的第三个参数进行渐进增强。

¥Server Actions also support progressive enhancement with the third argument of useActionState.

"use client";

import {updateName} from './actions';

function UpdateName() {
const [, submitAction] = useActionState(updateName, null, `/name/update`);

return (
<form action={submitAction}>

当将 permalink 提供给 useActionState 时,如果在 JavaScript 包加载之前提交了表单,React 将重定向到提供的 URL。

¥When the permalink is provided to useActionState, React will redirect to the provided URL if the form is submitted before the JavaScript bundle loads.

有关更多信息,请参阅 useActionState 的文档。

¥For more, see the docs for useActionState.

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