指令 - This feature is available in the latest Canary


仅当你是 使用 React 服务器组件 或正在构建与它们兼容的库时才需要这些指令。

¥These directives are needed only if you’re using React Server Components or building a library compatible with them.

指令向 与 React 服务器组件兼容的打包器 提供指令。

¥Directives provide instructions to bundlers compatible with React Server Components.


¥Source code directives

  • 'use client' 允许你标记客户端上运行的代码。

    ¥'use client' lets you mark what code runs on the client.

  • 'use server' 标记可以从客户端代码调用的服务器端函数。

    ¥'use server' marks server-side functions that can be called from client-side code.

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