

captureOwnerStack API 目前仅在 React 的 Canary 和实验渠道中可用。了解有关 React 的发布渠道在这里 的更多信息。

¥The captureOwnerStack API is currently only available in React’s Canary and experimental channels. Learn more about React’s release channels here.

captureOwnerStack 在开发中读取当前的 Owner Stack,如果可用则将其作为字符串返回。

¥captureOwnerStack reads the current Owner Stack in development and returns it as a string if available.

const stack = captureOwnerStack();




调用 captureOwnerStack 以获取当前的 Owner Stack。

¥Call captureOwnerStack to get the current Owner Stack.

import * as React from 'react';

function Component() {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const ownerStack = React.captureOwnerStack();



captureOwnerStack 没有参数。

¥captureOwnerStack does not take any parameters.



captureOwnerStack 返回 string | null

¥captureOwnerStack returns string | null.

Owner Stacks 可用于

¥Owner Stacks are available in

  • 组件渲染

    ¥Component render

  • 效果(例如 useEffect

    ¥Effects (e.g. useEffect)

  • React 的事件处理程序(例如 <button onClick={...} />

    ¥React’s event handlers (e.g. <button onClick={...} />)

  • React 错误处理程序(React Root 选项 onCaughtErroronRecoverableErroronUncaughtError

    ¥React error handlers (React Root options onCaughtError, onRecoverableError, and onUncaughtError)

如果没有可用的所有者堆栈,则返回 null(参见 故障排除:所有者堆栈为 null)。

¥If no Owner Stack is available, null is returned (see Troubleshooting: The Owner Stack is null).



  • Owner Stacks 仅在开发中可用。captureOwnerStack 将始终在开发之外返回 null

    ¥Owner Stacks are only available in development. captureOwnerStack will always return null outside of development.



¥Owner Stack vs Component Stack

所有者堆栈与 errorInfo.componentStack in onUncaughtError 等 React 错误处理程序中可用的组件堆栈不同。

¥The Owner Stack is different from the Component Stack available in React error handlers like errorInfo.componentStack in onUncaughtError.


¥For example, consider the following code:

import {captureOwnerStack} from 'react';
import {createRoot} from 'react-dom/client';
import App, {Component} from './App.js';
import './styles.css';

createRoot(document.createElement('div'), {
  onUncaughtError: (error, errorInfo) => {
    // The stacks are logged instead of showing them in the UI directly to
    // highlight that browsers will apply sourcemaps to the logged stacks.
    // Note that sourcemapping is only applied in the real browser console not
    // in the fake one displayed on this page.
    // Press "fork" to be able to view the sourcemapped stack in a real console.
    <Component label="disabled" />

SubComponent 将抛出错误。该错误的组件堆栈将是

¥SubComponent would throw an error. The Component Stack of that error would be

at SubComponent
at fieldset
at Component
at main
at React.Suspense
at App


¥However, the Owner Stack would only read

at Component

App 和 DOM 组件(例如 fieldset)都不被视为此堆栈中的所有者,因为它们没有为包含 SubComponent 的节点 “creating” 做出贡献。App 和 DOM 组件仅转发了节点。App 仅渲染了 children 节点,而 Component 则通过 <SubComponent /> 创建了一个包含 SubComponent 的节点。

¥Neither App nor the DOM components (e.g. fieldset) are considered Owners in this Stack since they didn’t contribute to “creating” the node containing SubComponent. App and DOM components only forwarded the node. App just rendered the children node as opposed to Component which created a node containing SubComponent via <SubComponent />.

Navigationlegend 都不在堆栈中,因为它只是包含 <SubComponent /> 的节点的兄弟。

¥Neither Navigation nor legend are in the stack at all since it’s only a sibling to a node containing <SubComponent />.

SubComponent 被省略,因为它已经是调用堆栈的一部分。

¥SubComponent is omitted because it’s already part of the callstack.




¥Enhance a custom error overlay

import { captureOwnerStack } from "react";
import { instrumentedConsoleError } from "./errorOverlay";

const originalConsoleError = console.error;
console.error = function patchedConsoleError(...args) {
originalConsoleError.apply(console, args);
const ownerStack = captureOwnerStack();
// Keep in mind that in a real application, console.error can be
// called with multiple arguments which you should account for.
consoleMessage: args[0],

如果你拦截 console.error 调用以在错误叠加层中高亮它们,则可以调用 captureOwnerStack 来包含所有者堆栈。

¥If you intercept console.error calls to highlight them in an error overlay, you can call captureOwnerStack to include the Owner Stack.

import { captureOwnerStack } from "react";
import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
import App from './App';
import { onConsoleError } from "./errorOverlay";
import './styles.css';

const originalConsoleError = console.error;
console.error = function patchedConsoleError(...args) {
  originalConsoleError.apply(console, args);
  const ownerStack = captureOwnerStack();
    // Keep in mind that in a real application, console.error can be
    // called with multiple arguments which you should account for.
    consoleMessage: args[0],

const container = document.getElementById("root");
createRoot(container).render(<App />);



所有者堆栈为 null

¥The Owner Stack is null

captureOwnerStack 的调用发生在 React 控制函数之外,例如在 setTimeout 回调中、在 fetch 调用之后或在自定义 DOM 事件处理程序中。在渲染期间,效果、React 事件处理程序和 React 错误处理程序(例如 hydrateRoot#options.onCaughtError)Owner Stacks 应该可用。

¥The call of captureOwnerStack happened outside of a React controlled function e.g. in a setTimeout callback, after a fetch call or in a custom DOM event handler. During render, Effects, React event handlers, and React error handlers (e.g. hydrateRoot#options.onCaughtError) Owner Stacks should be available.

在下面的例子中,单击按钮将记录一个空的 Owner Stack,因为 captureOwnerStack 是在自定义 DOM 事件处理程序期间调用的。必须更早地捕获所有者堆栈,例如通过将 captureOwnerStack 的调用移到副作用主体中。

¥In the example below, clicking the button will log an empty Owner Stack because captureOwnerStack was called during a custom DOM event handler. The Owner Stack must be captured earlier e.g. by moving the call of captureOwnerStack into the Effect body.

import {captureOwnerStack, useEffect} from 'react';

export default function App() {
  useEffect(() => {
    // Should call `captureOwnerStack` here.
    function handleEvent() {
      // Calling it in a custom DOM event handler is too late.
      // The Owner Stack will be `null` at this point.
      console.log('Owner Stack: ', captureOwnerStack());

    document.addEventListener('click', handleEvent);

    return () => {
      document.removeEventListener('click', handleEvent);

  return <button>Click me to see that Owner Stacks are not available in custom DOM event handlers</button>;

captureOwnerStack 不可用

¥captureOwnerStack is not available

captureOwnerStack 仅在开发版本中导出。它将在生产版本中成为 undefined。如果 captureOwnerStack 用于为生产和开发打包的文件中,则应有条件地从命名空间导入中访问它。

¥captureOwnerStack is only exported in development builds. It will be undefined in production builds. If captureOwnerStack is used in files that are bundled for production and development, you should conditionally access it from a namespace import.

// Don't use named imports of `captureOwnerStack` in files that are bundled for development and production.
import {captureOwnerStack} from 'react';
// Use a namespace import instead and access `captureOwnerStack` conditionally.
import * as React from 'react';

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
const ownerStack = React.captureOwnerStack();
console.log('Owner Stack', ownerStack);