<Fragment> (<>...</>)

<Fragment>,通常通过 <>...</> 语法使用,允许你在没有封装器节点的情况下对元素进行分组。

¥<Fragment>, often used via <>...</> syntax, lets you group elements without a wrapper node.

<OneChild />
<AnotherChild />




在需要单个元素的情况下,将 <Fragment> 中的元素封装在一起以将它们组合在一起。Fragment 中的分组元素对生成的 DOM 没有影响;就好像元素没有分组一样。在大多数情况下,空的 JSX 标签 <></><Fragment></Fragment> 的简写。

¥Wrap elements in <Fragment> to group them together in situations where you need a single element. Grouping elements in Fragment has no effect on the resulting DOM; it is the same as if the elements were not grouped. The empty JSX tag <></> is shorthand for <Fragment></Fragment> in most cases.



  • 可选 key:使用显式 <Fragment> 语法声明的片段可以具有

    ¥optional key: Fragments declared with the explicit <Fragment> syntax may have keys.



  • 如果要将 key 传递给 Fragment,则不能使用 <>...</> 语法。你必须明确地从 'react' 导入 Fragment 并渲染 <Fragment key={yourKey}>...</Fragment>

    ¥If you want to pass key to a Fragment, you can’t use the <>...</> syntax. You have to explicitly import Fragment from 'react' and render <Fragment key={yourKey}>...</Fragment>.

  • 当你从渲染 <><Child /></>[<Child />] 或返回时,或者当你从渲染 <><Child /></><Child /> 并返回时,React 不会 重置状态。这仅适用于单层深度:例如,从 <><><Child /></></><Child /> 会重置状态。在此处 查看精确语义。

    ¥React does not reset state when you go from rendering <><Child /></> to [<Child />] or back, or when you go from rendering <><Child /></> to <Child /> and back. This only works a single level deep: for example, going from <><><Child /></></> to <Child /> resets the state. See the precise semantics here.




¥Returning multiple elements

使用 Fragment 或等效的 <>...</> 语法将多个元素组合在一起。你可以使用它将多个元素放在单个元素可以到达的任何地方。例如,一个组件只能返回一个元素,但通过使用 Fragment,你可以将多个元素组合在一起,然后将它们作为一个组返回:

¥Use Fragment, or the equivalent <>...</> syntax, to group multiple elements together. You can use it to put multiple elements in any place where a single element can go. For example, a component can only return one element, but by using a Fragment you can group multiple elements together and then return them as a group:

function Post() {
return (
<PostTitle />
<PostBody />

Fragments 很有用,因为使用 Fragment 对元素进行分组对布局或样式没有影响,这与将元素封装在另一个容器中(如 DOM 元素)不同。如果你使用浏览器工具检查此示例,你会看到所有 <h1><article> DOM 节点都显示为没有封装器的兄弟节点:

¥Fragments are useful because grouping elements with a Fragment has no effect on layout or styles, unlike if you wrapped the elements in another container like a DOM element. If you inspect this example with the browser tools, you’ll see that all <h1> and <article> DOM nodes appear as siblings without wrappers around them:

export default function Blog() {
  return (
      <Post title="An update" body="It's been a while since I posted..." />
      <Post title="My new blog" body="I am starting a new blog!" />

function Post({ title, body }) {
  return (
      <PostTitle title={title} />
      <PostBody body={body} />

function PostTitle({ title }) {
  return <h1>{title}</h1>

function PostBody({ body }) {
  return (


如何在没有特殊语法的情况下编写 Fragment?

¥How to write a Fragment without the special syntax?

上面的例子相当于从 React 导入 Fragment

¥The example above is equivalent to importing Fragment from React:

import { Fragment } from 'react';

function Post() {
return (
<PostTitle />
<PostBody />

通常你不需要这个,除非你需要 key 传递给你的 Fragment

¥Usually you won’t need this unless you need to pass a key to your Fragment.


¥Assigning multiple elements to a variable

与任何其他元素一样,你可以将 Fragment 元素分配给变量,将它们作为属性传递,以此类推:

¥Like any other element, you can assign Fragment elements to variables, pass them as props, and so on:

function CloseDialog() {
const buttons = (
<OKButton />
<CancelButton />
return (
<AlertDialog buttons={buttons}>
Are you sure you want to leave this page?


¥Grouping elements with text

你可以使用 Fragment 将文本与组件组合在一起:

¥You can use Fragment to group text together with components:

function DateRangePicker({ start, end }) {
return (
<DatePicker date={start} />
<DatePicker date={end} />

渲染 Fragment 列表

¥Rendering a list of Fragments

在这种情况下,你需要显式编写 Fragment 而不是使用 <></> 语法。当你 在循环中渲染多个元素 的时候,你需要给每个元素分配一个 key。如果循环中的元素是 Fragment,则需要使用普通的 JSX 元素语法来提供 key 属性:

¥Here’s a situation where you need to write Fragment explicitly instead of using the <></> syntax. When you render multiple elements in a loop, you need to assign a key to each element. If the elements within the loop are Fragments, you need to use the normal JSX element syntax in order to provide the key attribute:

function Blog() {
return posts.map(post =>
<Fragment key={post.id}>
<PostTitle title={post.title} />
<PostBody body={post.body} />

你可以检查 DOM 以验证 Fragment 子元素周围没有封装元素:

¥You can inspect the DOM to verify that there are no wrapper elements around the Fragment children:

import { Fragment } from 'react';

const posts = [
  { id: 1, title: 'An update', body: "It's been a while since I posted..." },
  { id: 2, title: 'My new blog', body: 'I am starting a new blog!' }

export default function Blog() {
  return posts.map(post =>
    <Fragment key={post.id}>
      <PostTitle title={post.title} />
      <PostBody body={post.body} />

function PostTitle({ title }) {
  return <h1>{title}</h1>

function PostBody({ body }) {
  return (

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