
钩子是使用 JavaScript 函数定义的,但它们代表一种特殊类型的可重用 UI 逻辑,并且对调用位置有限制。

¥Hooks are defined using JavaScript functions, but they represent a special type of reusable UI logic with restrictions on where they can be called.


¥Only call Hooks at the top level

名称以 use 开头的函数在 React 中称为 钩子

¥Functions whose names start with use are called Hooks in React.

不要在循环、条件、嵌套函数或 try/catch/finally 块内调用 Hook。相反,在任何早期返回之前,始终在 React 函数的顶层使用钩子。你只能在 React 渲染函数组件时调用钩子:

¥Don’t call Hooks inside loops, conditions, nested functions, or try/catch/finally blocks. Instead, always use Hooks at the top level of your React function, before any early returns. You can only call Hooks while React is rendering a function component:

function Counter() {
// ✅ Good: top-level in a function component
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
// ...

function useWindowWidth() {
// ✅ Good: top-level in a custom Hook
const [width, setWidth] = useState(window.innerWidth);
// ...

其他情况不支持调用钩子(以 use 开头的函数),例如:

¥It’s not supported to call Hooks (functions starting with use) in any other cases, for example:

  • 🔴 不要在条件或循环内调用 Hook。

    ¥🔴 Do not call Hooks inside conditions or loops.

  • 🔴 不要在条件 return 语句之后调用钩子。

    ¥🔴 Do not call Hooks after a conditional return statement.

  • 🔴 不要在事件处理程序中调用钩子。

    ¥🔴 Do not call Hooks in event handlers.

  • 🔴 不要在类组件中调用钩子。

    ¥🔴 Do not call Hooks in class components.

  • 🔴 不要在传递给 useMemouseReduceruseEffect 的函数内调用 Hook。

    ¥🔴 Do not call Hooks inside functions passed to useMemo, useReducer, or useEffect.

  • 🔴 不要在 try/catch/finally 块内调用 Hook。

    ¥🔴 Do not call Hooks inside try/catch/finally blocks.


¥If you break these rules, you might see this error.

function Bad({ cond }) {
if (cond) {
// 🔴 Bad: inside a condition (to fix, move it outside!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...

function Bad() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// 🔴 Bad: inside a loop (to fix, move it outside!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...

function Bad({ cond }) {
if (cond) {
// 🔴 Bad: after a conditional return (to fix, move it before the return!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...

function Bad() {
function handleClick() {
// 🔴 Bad: inside an event handler (to fix, move it outside!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
// ...

function Bad() {
const style = useMemo(() => {
// 🔴 Bad: inside useMemo (to fix, move it outside!)
const theme = useContext(ThemeContext);
return createStyle(theme);
// ...

class Bad extends React.Component {
render() {
// 🔴 Bad: inside a class component (to fix, write a function component instead of a class!)
useEffect(() => {})
// ...

function Bad() {
try {
// 🔴 Bad: inside try/catch/finally block (to fix, move it outside!)
const [x, setX] = useState(0);
} catch {
const [x, setX] = useState(1);

你可以使用 eslint-plugin-react-hooks 插件 来捕获这些错误。

¥You can use the eslint-plugin-react-hooks plugin to catch these mistakes.


定制钩子 可能会调用其他 Hook(这就是它们的全部目的)。这是有效的,因为自定义钩子也应该只在函数组件渲染时被调用。

¥Custom Hooks may call other Hooks (that’s their whole purpose). This works because custom Hooks are also supposed to only be called while a function component is rendering.

仅从 React 函数调用钩子

¥Only call Hooks from React functions

不要从常规 JavaScript 函数中调用 Hook。相反,你可以:

¥Don’t call Hooks from regular JavaScript functions. Instead, you can:

✅ 从 React 函数组件调用钩子。✅ 从 自定义钩子 调用钩子。

¥✅ Call Hooks from React function components. ✅ Call Hooks from custom Hooks.


¥By following this rule, you ensure that all stateful logic in a component is clearly visible from its source code.

function FriendList() {
const [onlineStatus, setOnlineStatus] = useOnlineStatus(); // ✅

function setOnlineStatus() { // ❌ Not a component or custom Hook!
const [onlineStatus, setOnlineStatus] = useOnlineStatus();

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