
startTransition 可让你在后台渲染部分 UI。

¥startTransition lets you render a part of the UI in the background.





startTransition 函数允许你将状态更新标记为转换。

¥The startTransition function lets you mark a state update as a Transition.

import { startTransition } from 'react';

function TabContainer() {
const [tab, setTab] = useState('about');

function selectTab(nextTab) {
startTransition(() => {
// ...


¥See more examples below.



  • action:通过调用一个或多个 set 函数 来更新某些状态的函数。React 立即调用 action,不带任何参数,并将 action 函数调用期间同步安排的所有状态更新标记为 Transitions。action 中等待的任何异步调用都将包含在转换中,但目前需要在额外的 startTransition 中封装 await 之后的任何 set 函数(参见 故障排除)。标记为 Transitions 的状态更新将是 non-blocking不会显示不需要的加载指示器。

    ¥action: A function that updates some state by calling one or more set functions. React calls action immediately with no parameters and marks all state updates scheduled synchronously during the action function call as Transitions. Any async calls awaited in the action will be included in the transition, but currently require wrapping any set functions after the await in an additional startTransition (see Troubleshooting). State updates marked as Transitions will be non-blocking and will not display unwanted loading indicators..



startTransition 不返回任何东西。

¥startTransition does not return anything.



  • startTransition 不提供跟踪转换是否待处理的方法。要在转换过程中显示待处理指示器,你需要 useTransition

    ¥startTransition does not provide a way to track whether a Transition is pending. To show a pending indicator while the Transition is ongoing, you need useTransition instead.

  • 只有当你有权访问该状态的 set 函数时,你才能将更新封装到转换中。如果你想在响应某些属性或自定义钩子返回值时启动 Transition,请尝试 useDeferredValue

    ¥You can wrap an update into a Transition only if you have access to the set function of that state. If you want to start a Transition in response to some prop or a custom Hook return value, try useDeferredValue instead.

  • 你传递给 startTransition 的函数会被立即调用,将其执行时发生的所有状态更新标记为 Transitions。例如,如果你尝试在 setTimeout 中执行状态更新,它们将不会被标记为 Transitions。

    ¥The function you pass to startTransition is called immediately, marking all state updates that happen while it executes as Transitions. If you try to perform state updates in a setTimeout, for example, they won’t be marked as Transitions.

  • 你必须在任何异步请求之后将任何状态更新封装在另一个 startTransition 中,以将它们标记为转换。这是一个已知的限制,我们将在未来修复(请参阅 故障排除)。

    ¥You must wrap any state updates after any async requests in another startTransition to mark them as Transitions. This is a known limitation that we will fix in the future (see Troubleshooting).

  • 标记为 Transition 的状态更新将被其他状态更新打断。例如,如果你在转换中更新图表组件,但在图表处于重新渲染过程中时开始输入输入,则 React 将在处理输入状态更新后重新启动图表组件上的渲染工作。

    ¥A state update marked as a Transition will be interrupted by other state updates. For example, if you update a chart component inside a Transition, but then start typing into an input while the chart is in the middle of a re-render, React will restart the rendering work on the chart component after handling the input state update.

  • 转场更新不能用于控制文本输入。

    ¥Transition updates can’t be used to control text inputs.

  • 如果有多个正在进行的 Transition,React 当前会将它们批量处理在一起。这是一个可能会在未来版本中删除的限制。

    ¥If there are multiple ongoing Transitions, React currently batches them together. This is a limitation that may be removed in a future release.




¥Marking a state update as a non-blocking Transition

你可以通过将状态更新封装在 startTransition 调用中将其标记为转换:

¥You can mark a state update as a Transition by wrapping it in a startTransition call:

import { startTransition } from 'react';

function TabContainer() {
const [tab, setTab] = useState('about');

function selectTab(nextTab) {
startTransition(() => {
// ...


¥Transitions let you keep the user interface updates responsive even on slow devices.

使用转换,你的 UI 在重新渲染过程中保持响应。例如,如果用户单击一个选项卡但随后改变主意并单击另一个选项卡,则它们可以在不等待第一次重新渲染完成的情况下执行此操作。

¥With a Transition, your UI stays responsive in the middle of a re-render. For example, if the user clicks a tab but then change their mind and click another tab, they can do that without waiting for the first re-render to finish.


startTransitionuseTransition 非常相似,只是它不提供 isPending 标志来跟踪转换是否正在进行。当 useTransition 不可用时,你可以调用 startTransition。例如,startTransition 在组件外部工作,例如来自数据库。

¥startTransition is very similar to useTransition, except that it does not provide the isPending flag to track whether a Transition is ongoing. You can call startTransition when useTransition is not available. For example, startTransition works outside components, such as from a data library.

了解转换并查看 useTransition 页面上的示例。

¥Learn about Transitions and see examples on the useTransition page.