服务器组件是一种新型组件,在打包之前,在与客户端应用或 SSR 服务器分开的环境中提前渲染。
¥Server Components are a new type of Component that renders ahead of time, before bundling, in an environment separate from your client app or SSR server.
这个单独的环境是 React Server Components 中的 “server”。服务器组件可以在 CI 服务器上构建时运行一次,也可以使用 Web 服务器针对每个请求运行。
¥This separate environment is the “server” in React Server Components. Server Components can run once at build time on your CI server, or they can be run for each request using a web server.
¥Server Components without a Server
服务器组件可以在构建时运行以从文件系统读取或获取静态内容,因此不需要 Web 服务器。例如,你可能想要从内容管理系统中读取静态数据。
¥Server components can run at build time to read from the filesystem or fetch static content, so a web server is not required. For example, you may want to read static data from a content management system.
¥Without Server Components, it’s common to fetch static data on the client with an Effect:
// bundle.js
import marked from 'marked'; // 35.9K (11.2K gzipped)
import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html'; // 206K (63.3K gzipped)
function Page({page}) {
const [content, setContent] = useState('');
// NOTE: loads *after* first page render.
useEffect(() => {
fetch(`/api/content/${page}`).then((data) => {
}, [page]);
return <div>{sanitizeHtml(marked(content))}</div>;
// api.js
app.get(`/api/content/:page`, async (req, res) => {
const page = req.params.page;
const content = await file.readFile(`${page}.md`);
这种模式意味着用户需要下载和解析额外的 75K(gzip 压缩)库,并等待页面加载后的第二个请求来获取数据,只是为了渲染在页面生命周期内不会改变的静态内容。
¥This pattern means users need to download and parse an additional 75K (gzipped) of libraries, and wait for a second request to fetch the data after the page loads, just to render static content that will not change for the lifetime of the page.
¥With Server Components, you can render these components once at build time:
import marked from 'marked'; // Not included in bundle
import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html'; // Not included in bundle
async function Page({page}) {
// NOTE: loads *during* render, when the app is built.
const content = await file.readFile(`${page}.md`);
return <div>{sanitizeHtml(marked(content))}</div>;
然后可以将渲染的输出在服务器端渲染 (SSR) 为 HTML 并上传到 CDN。当应用加载时,客户端将看不到原始 Page
组件或用于渲染 markdown 的昂贵库。客户端只会看到渲染的输出:
¥The rendered output can then be server-side rendered (SSR) to HTML and uploaded to a CDN. When the app loads, the client will not see the original Page
component, or the expensive libraries for rendering the markdown. The client will only see the rendered output:
<div><!-- html for markdown --></div>
¥This means the content is visible during first page load, and the bundle does not include the expensive libraries needed to render the static content.
¥Server Components with a Server
服务器组件还可以在请求页面期间在 Web 服务器上运行,让你无需构建 API 即可访问数据层。它们在你的应用打包之前渲染,并且可以将数据和 JSX 作为属性传递给客户端组件。
¥Server Components can also run on a web server during a request for a page, letting you access your data layer without having to build an API. They are rendered before your application is bundled, and can pass data and JSX as props to Client Components.
¥Without Server Components, it’s common to fetch dynamic data on the client in an Effect:
// bundle.js
function Note({id}) {
const [note, setNote] = useState('');
// NOTE: loads *after* first render.
useEffect(() => {
fetch(`/api/notes/${id}`).then(data => {
}, [id]);
return (
<Author id={note.authorId} />
function Author({id}) {
const [author, setAuthor] = useState('');
// NOTE: loads *after* Note renders.
// Causing an expensive client-server waterfall.
useEffect(() => {
fetch(`/api/authors/${id}`).then(data => {
}, [id]);
return <span>By: {author.name}</span>;
// api
import db from './database';
app.get(`/api/notes/:id`, async (req, res) => {
const note = await db.notes.get(id);
app.get(`/api/authors/:id`, async (req, res) => {
const author = await db.authors.get(id);
¥With Server Components, you can read the data and render it in the component:
import db from './database';
async function Note({id}) {
// NOTE: loads *during* render.
const note = await db.notes.get(id);
return (
<Author id={note.authorId} />
async function Author({id}) {
// NOTE: loads *after* Note,
// but is fast if data is co-located.
const author = await db.authors.get(id);
return <span>By: {author.name}</span>;
然后,打包器将数据、渲染的服务器组件和动态客户端组件组合成一个打包包。或者,该包可以进行服务器端渲染 (SSR) 以创建页面的初始 HTML。当页面加载时,浏览器看不到原始 Note
和 Author
¥The bundler then combines the data, rendered Server Components and dynamic Client Components into a bundle. Optionally, that bundle can then be server-side rendered (SSR) to create the initial HTML for the page. When the page loads, the browser does not see the original Note
and Author
components; only the rendered output is sent to the client:
<span>By: The React Team</span>
<p>React 19 is...</p>
¥Server Components can be made dynamic by re-fetching them from a server, where they can access the data and render again. This new application architecture combines the simple “request/response” mental model of server-centric Multi-Page Apps with the seamless interactivity of client-centric Single-Page Apps, giving you the best of both worlds.
¥Adding interactivity to Server Components
服务器组件不会发送到浏览器,因此它们无法使用 useState
等交互式 API。要为服务器组件添加交互性,你可以使用 "use client"
¥Server Components are not sent to the browser, so they cannot use interactive APIs like useState
. To add interactivity to Server Components, you can compose them with Client Component using the "use client"
服务器组件导入使用状态切换其 expanded
状态的 Expandable
¥In the following example, the Notes
Server Component imports an Expandable
Client Component that uses state to toggle its expanded
// Server Component
import Expandable from './Expandable';
async function Notes() {
const notes = await db.notes.getAll();
return (
{notes.map(note => (
<Expandable key={note.id}>
<p note={note} />
// Client Component
"use client"
export default function Expandable({children}) {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false);
return (
onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)}
{expanded && children}
这通过首先将 Notes
渲染为服务器组件,然后指示打包器为客户端组件 Expandable
¥This works by first rendering Notes
as a Server Component, and then instructing the bundler to create a bundle for the Client Component Expandable
. In the browser, the Client Components will see output of the Server Components passed as props:
<!-- the bundle for Client Components -->
<script src="bundle.js" />
<Expandable key={1}>
<p>this is the first note</p>
<Expandable key={2}>
<p>this is the second note</p>
¥Async components with Server Components
服务器组件引入了一种使用 async/await 编写组件的新方法。当你在异步组件中 await
时,React 将暂停并等待 promise 解决后再恢复渲染。这可以跨越服务器/客户端边界,并为 Suspense 提供流式支持。
¥Server Components introduce a new way to write Components using async/await. When you await
in an async component, React will suspend and wait for the promise to resolve before resuming rendering. This works across server/client boundaries with streaming support for Suspense.
你甚至可以在服务器上创建一个 promise,并在客户端上等待它:
¥You can even create a promise on the server, and await it on the client:
// Server Component
import db from './database';
async function Page({id}) {
// Will suspend the Server Component.
const note = await db.notes.get(id);
// NOTE: not awaited, will start here and await on the client.
const commentsPromise = db.comments.get(note.id);
return (
<Suspense fallback={<p>Loading Comments...</p>}>
<Comments commentsPromise={commentsPromise} />
// Client Component
"use client";
import {use} from 'react';
function Comments({commentsPromise}) {
// NOTE: this will resume the promise from the server.
// It will suspend until the data is available.
const comments = use(commentsPromise);
return comments.map(commment => <p>{comment}</p>);
内容是页面渲染的重要数据,因此我们在服务器上对其进行 await
处理。注释位于折叠下方且优先级较低,因此我们在服务器上启动 promise,并使用 use
API 在客户端上等待它。这将在客户端上暂停,而不会阻止 note
¥The note
content is important data for the page to render, so we await
it on the server. The comments are below the fold and lower-priority, so we start the promise on the server, and wait for it on the client with the use
API. This will Suspend on the client, without blocking the note
content from rendering.
由于客户端不支持异步组件,我们等待 use
的 promise。
¥Since async components are not supported on the client, we await the promise with use