
renderToString 不支持流式传输或等待数据。查看备选方案。

¥renderToString does not support streaming or waiting for data. See the alternatives.

renderToString 将 React 树渲染为 HTML 字符串。

¥renderToString renders a React tree to an HTML string.

const html = renderToString(reactNode, options?)



renderToString(reactNode, options?)

在服务器上,调用 renderToString 将你的应用渲染为 HTML。

¥On the server, call renderToString to render your app to HTML.

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';

const html = renderToString(<App />);

在客户端,调用 hydrateRoot 使服务器生成的 HTML 具有交互性。

¥On the client, call hydrateRoot to make the server-generated HTML interactive.


¥See more examples below.



  • reactNode:要渲染为 HTML 的 React 节点。例如,像 <App /> 这样的 JSX 节点。

    ¥reactNode: A React node you want to render to HTML. For example, a JSX node like <App />.

  • 可选 options:用于服务器渲染的对象。

    ¥optional options: An object for server render.

    • 可选 identifierPrefix:React 用于 useId 生成的 ID 的字符串前缀 有助于避免在同一页面上使用多个根时发生冲突。必须与传递给 hydrateRoot 的前缀相同

      ¥optional identifierPrefix: A string prefix React uses for IDs generated by useId. Useful to avoid conflicts when using multiple roots on the same page. Must be the same prefix as passed to hydrateRoot.



一个 HTML 字符串。

¥An HTML string.



  • renderToString 对 Suspense 的支持有限。如果组件挂起,renderToString 会立即以 HTML 格式发送其回退。

    ¥renderToString has limited Suspense support. If a component suspends, renderToString immediately sends its fallback as HTML.

  • renderToString 在浏览器中有效,但在客户端代码中使用是 不建议。

    ¥renderToString works in the browser, but using it in the client code is not recommended.



将 React 树作为 HTML 渲染为字符串

¥Rendering a React tree as HTML to a string

调用 renderToString 将你的应用渲染为 HTML 字符串,你可以将其与服务器响应一起发送:

¥Call renderToString to render your app to an HTML string which you can send with your server response:

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';

// The route handler syntax depends on your backend framework
app.use('/', (request, response) => {
const html = renderToString(<App />);

这将生成 React 组件的初始非交互式 HTML 输出。在客户端,你将需要调用 hydrateRoot 来混合服务器生成的 HTML 并使其具有交互性。

¥This will produce the initial non-interactive HTML output of your React components. On the client, you will need to call hydrateRoot to hydrate that server-generated HTML and make it interactive.


renderToString 不支持流式传输或等待数据。查看备选方案。

¥renderToString does not support streaming or waiting for data. See the alternatives.



renderToString 迁移到服务器上的流方法

¥Migrating from renderToString to a streaming method on the server

renderToString 立即返回一个字符串,因此不支持流式传输或等待数据。

¥renderToString returns a string immediately, so it does not support streaming or waiting for data.


¥When possible, we recommend using these fully-featured alternatives:

如果你的服务器环境不支持流,你可以继续使用 renderToString

¥You can continue using renderToString if your server environment does not support streams.

从客户端代码中删除 renderToString

¥Removing renderToString from the client code

有时,renderToString 用于在客户端将某些组件转换为 HTML。

¥Sometimes, renderToString is used on the client to convert some component to HTML.

// 🚩 Unnecessary: using renderToString on the client
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';

const html = renderToString(<MyIcon />);
console.log(html); // For example, "<svg>...</svg>"

在客户端上导入 react-dom/server 会不必要地增加包的大小,应该避免。如果你需要在浏览器中将某些组件渲染为 HTML,请使用 createRoot 并从 DOM 中读取 HTML:

¥Importing react-dom/server on the client unnecessarily increases your bundle size and should be avoided. If you need to render some component to HTML in the browser, use createRoot and read HTML from the DOM:

import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
import { flushSync } from 'react-dom';

const div = document.createElement('div');
const root = createRoot(div);
flushSync(() => {
root.render(<MyIcon />);
console.log(div.innerHTML); // For example, "<svg>...</svg>"

flushSync 调用是必要的,以便在读取其 innerHTML 属性之前更新 DOM。

¥The flushSync call is necessary so that the DOM is updated before reading its innerHTML property.



当一个组件挂起时,HTML 总是包含一个回退

¥When a component suspends, the HTML always contains a fallback

renderToString 不完全支持 Suspense。

¥renderToString does not fully support Suspense.

如果某些组件挂起(例如,因为它是用 lazy 定义的或获取数据),renderToString 将不会等待其内容解析。而是,renderToString 将在其上方找到最近的 <Suspense> 边界,并在 HTML 中渲染其 fallback 属性。在客户端代码加载之前,内容不会出现。

¥If some component suspends (for example, because it’s defined with lazy or fetches data), renderToString will not wait for its content to resolve. Instead, renderToString will find the closest <Suspense> boundary above it and render its fallback prop in the HTML. The content will not appear until the client code loads.

要解决这个问题,请使用其中一个 推荐的流式解决方案。 它们可以在服务器上解析时以块的形式流式传输内容,以便用户在客户端代码加载之前看到页面被逐渐填充。

¥To solve this, use one of the recommended streaming solutions. They can stream content in chunks as it resolves on the server so that the user sees the page being progressively filled in before the client code loads.

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