静态 React DOM API
API 可让你为 React 组件生成静态 HTML。与流式 API 相比,它们的功能有限。框架 可能会为你调用它们。你的大部分组件不需要导入或使用它们。
¥The react-dom/static
APIs let you generate static HTML for React components. They have limited functionality compared to the streaming APIs. A framework may call them for you. Most of your components don’t need to import or use them.
Web 流的静态 API
¥Static APIs for Web Streams
这些方法仅在具有 网络流 的环境中可用,其中包括浏览器、Deno 和一些现代 Edge 运行时:
¥These methods are only available in the environments with Web Streams, which includes browsers, Deno, and some modern edge runtimes:
使用 可读网络流。 将 React 树渲染为静态 HTML¥
renders a React tree to static HTML with a Readable Web Stream.
Node.js 流的静态 API
¥Static APIs for Node.js Streams
这些方法仅在具有 Node.js 流 的环境中可用:
¥These methods are only available in the environments with Node.js Streams:
使用 Node.js 流。 将 React 树渲染为静态 HTML¥
renders a React tree to static HTML with a Node.js Stream.