服务器 React DOM API

react-dom/server API 允许你在服务器上将 React 组件渲染为 HTML。这些 API 仅在应用顶层的服务器上使用,以生成初始 HTML。框架 可能会为你调用它们。你的大部分组件不需要导入或使用它们。

¥The react-dom/server APIs let you render React components to HTML on the server. These APIs are only used on the server at the top level of your app to generate the initial HTML. A framework may call them for you. Most of your components don’t need to import or use them.

Node.js 流的服务器 API

¥Server APIs for Node.js Streams

这些方法只适用于使用 Node.js 流 的环境:

¥These methods are only available in the environments with Node.js Streams:

Web 流的服务器 API

¥Server APIs for Web Streams

这些方法仅在具有 网络流 的环境中可用,其中包括浏览器、Deno 和一些现代 Edge 运行时:

¥These methods are only available in the environments with Web Streams, which includes browsers, Deno, and some modern edge runtimes:

非流式环境的服务器 API

¥Server APIs for non-streaming environments


¥These methods can be used in the environments that don’t support streams:

与流式 API 相比,它们的功能有限。

¥They have limited functionality compared to the streaming APIs.

弃用的服务器 API

¥Deprecated server APIs


这些 API 将在 React 的未来主要版本中被删除。

¥These APIs will be removed in a future major version of React.

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